Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Journal entry # 20

Things I want to do on a camping trip.......

I absolutely love camping, it's one of my favorite summer activities. I don't like to camp for only one night because I hate putting everything up and taking down the next day.

I like to go and set everything up. We have 2 tents and air mattress' we find the perfect spots for our tents and then get the air mattress aired up first. Then make the beds with sheets and pillows. I then set up my little kitchen. I have a special camping table that allows me to set up the cook stove and hang all the utensils I will need on hooks. It even has a hook that extends for one of our lanterns. Then we drink some beer while collecting wood for the fire, so we are able to cook our dinner over the open flame as well as the cook stove. I let my son cut the potatoes for the famous french fries that he loves to make. I make sure all of our clothes and things are zipped up in the tents. After dinner we will sit by the fire and roast marshmallows for s'mores. We stay up pretty late this first night and wake up early for kayaking.

After a breakfast of pancakes and bacon, or hashbrowns and eggs we go to the waiting area for the JamesRiver Outfitters to take us to the drop off for the float.

While floating the 11 mile float we stop a lot to enjoy the river and sunshine. We have found a very cool place to make a day of it. You can walk back through this clearing and find some very cool rocks and lots of crawdads. Skipping rocks, swimming, and swinging off the rope swings throughout the float are more of our favorite things to do.

I can't wait for our next float trip. We always have so much fun. The only thing I hate about it is the coming home. You are doing more work by putting everything away and washing the bed clothes. That's the hardest part.

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