Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Journal entry #24

Tulsa here I come..................

Wow what a stressful week. I am leaving town today for work and heading to Tulsa. Not my idea of fun, but it is what it is. I hope the rest of the week goes a little better than the first part of the week. I went to Kansas City last week, leaving on Wednesday and coming back late on Saturday evening. I will be going to Tulsa in about 3 hours and coming back on Saturday evening again. This does not work well with a Summer Semester in school. I'm so glad that this is almost over and I can have some breathing room. It has been a wild ride for me trying to juggle home, work and school. I did it though and only have a few more assignments left to go. I think I have learned some valuable lessons with the online classes I'm taking. I need more time management. I have had lots of wake up moments and now know why kids should absolutely go to college straight out of High School. You are younger and can handle it!! You also don't have children to divide your time. Your mind is still fresh with most of the things that are happening in the academic world. Technology is a huge thing as well. I seem to have problems every time I log on and if it weren't for those moments it might have been a bit less stressful. I have one more blog to type and it will probably look similar to what I'm writing right now. It has been an amazing ride.

I think I am packed and need to go to the bank and pack my food for the week and I will be ready to walk out the door. Geez I just need about 3 more days at home to be able to get what I need done for school. Maybe work will call and say the trip is cancelled? FAT CHANCE!!!!!

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