Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Assignment 4.2 Personal Credo

I believe in making your own way in life. Too many times we fall into the blame game and wanting others to take the fall for our mistakes, or decisions. We all make mistakes, that's how we learn and become adults. I believe in giving 110% in everything that I do. No matter what I'm doing. My kids, my job, my friends, they all get the best of what I have to give. I teach my children to be kind to others and if you make a mistake, own up to it, apologize and move on. We are not perfect, but you can strive for perfection, there is always room for improvement. I don't believe in standing in line for handouts, everyone needs help now and then, but thinking that you deserve it or that you are entitled to something is different. If you don't like your circumstances, CHANGE IT! We all have the power to do this. We are all given one life, use it the way you want. Don't blame your current predicament on something that happened to you 20 years ago. At some point in life you have to take ownership of who you are and why you are. I've always heard the definition of insanity as being, "doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result", that's not really the definition of course, but we use it as a crutch these days. Make yourself happy and healthy, be who you want to be, don't expect others to do it for you.

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